The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Fauxbama-mania Alert?

Gateway Pundit is pointing out possible fauxtography in an editorial photograph of Barack Obama, one of the Democratic contenders to the White House in our current election cycle.

Personally, I don't see it. The photograph on the right seems to have some tonal and sharpness corrections applied to it, but other than that, it doesn't seem to be enough of a "cry foul" change to me, and could easily be explained away as a "housekeeping" change.

Fauxtography? I doubt it.

What do y'all think?

 Tags: hussein obama fauxtography #DailyFodder


#1 captainfish 09-May-2007
In my layman's eyes, it just looks like an increase in color to bring out the washed out photo.
#2 Brian 10-May-2007
You're absolutely right, Cap'n. Thank you for expressing in words precisely what I was *trying* to say.


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