The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

God's Little Propagandists

Whenever they're in a pinch, the Party of God never fails to ratchet up God's Propaganda. The United ... make that Useless Nations does nothing to stop it. How else will they live up to their name and reputation, after all?

Lebanese Hezbollah militants fix a huge billboard bearing a portrait of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Kfar Kila, 01 May 2007. Israelis clamoured for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to resign as his ruling coalition began to fray on Tuesday after a government probe blasted his leadership for serious failure in the Lebanon war.(AFP/Ramzi Haidar)

I will say, what's really disgusting is the obviously-photoshopped scowl on Ehud Olmert's face. I mean, it's not like there are any pictures showing him in full scowl in real life or anything, right?

 Tags: fauxtography hizbullah lotfallah daher menahem kahana mohammed zaatari ramzi haidar AFP AP #Israel/Lebanon War 2006


#1 John Cunningham 01-May-2007
Hey, Ehud, you look like you have a headache.
#2 captainfish 02-May-2007
Hey, Ehud, you look like you have a guilty conscious... for not retrieving your 3 missing soldiers and defeating hezbollah.

Hey, Ehud, you look like your time is fading fast.

Hey, Ehud, you look like your feeling a little heat based on your inactions during the last war.

But then, that is how our nations seem to fight wars these days.... as if they are minor skirmishes. Throw a few bombs and a little political gerry-mandering and call it good.
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