Oded Balilty, photographer for the Associated Press, has won
the Pulitzer Prize this year for a dramatic photograph published of a female Israeli settler trying to defy the IDF's attempts to remove her from an illegal settlement in the West Bank.
Congratulations to Oded—this photograph
is very powerful. Heck, it's unusual enough to see the Pulitzer committee honour a photograph depicting
Israeli suffering, so I suppose congratulations are due
all around. The Committee does at least
try to live up to expectations, though:—Notice that most of the entries they considered are related to the "brutality" of the Israeli state. (The exception, of course, goes
to Barbaro.)
The photograph in question can be found following the break, along with a candid shot of Mr. Balilty's celebration. You can find more of Oded's work using
the ol' Snapped Shot tag browser.
Tags: oded balilty