Here's yet another instance of what I like to call "selective" truth:—We're presented initially, via our intrepid (by which I mean "totally uninquisitive") photographers, with news that a man was found
dead, shot somewhere in the Gaza Strip. This, as far as anyone can tell, is
true. Cue:
crocodile tears.
We're also told, via captional inference, that the Israelis are being blamed for this shooting. Hello,
Finally, we're told that, according to Israeli records,
no soldiers were in the area at the time. Enter, truth.
This type of thing
happens far more often than you'd
ever think, yet time and time again, the press falls for the immediate
blame-da-JEWSism spewed at them by the hostile locals and repeats the claims unquestioned. And time and time again, when the facts come in, the inital storyline is almost
always shown to be false.
Are the collective press acting as
ignorant dupes, merely parroting what they're told by "local" sources? If so, why do we even bother
having a press, since they can't be trusted to report information that is, well,
If they're not ignorant dupes, then the only other option I can think of is
far worse:—Are they
actively involved in trying to find stories that they can use to
smear Israel?
Check out the extended article to see the evolution of the captions surrounding this story. By my count, the press continues to fall farther and farther into the latter category each passing day.
First, the FraudThe initial reports of these types killings blame the EVIL ZIONISTS. Always.
And now... the truth
starts to surface:
Now, notice the following photograph (with my apologies for the graphic content):
Notice the "automatic rifle?" Notice how Adel Hana sees no need to find out whose rifle it is, and where it came from? (You know, ye olde
standard investigative questions?)
With the evidence I can see from here, I'm willing to bet that this man was out shooting his guns in the "out of bounds area," most likely with
other men. And, what most likely happened from there is that someone shot him—accidentally, "accidentally," or otherwise—and then fled the scene, leading him to be discovered (or "discovered") and subsequently paraded in front of the infinite cameras as another ZIONIST CASUALTY.
Nevermind that there's no
truth in the parading masses, or in the story presented by their photographic supporters. It's clearly more important for the press to
tar and feather the Israeli nation (which, incidentally, is literally under fire from every imaginable direction) for crimes which it
did not commit.
The press continues to be a shame to us all.
I'm sure that the IDF is, in the continued tradition of
honourable institutions, conducting an internal investigation into this affair as we speak. If any new facts come to light that confirm (or, alternately, disprove) the suppositions I've just shared with you, I'll be sure to post them here.
Tags: adel hana
ibraheem abu mustafa
ismael zaydah
khalil hamra