The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

BBC REPORTER: Murdered??

Alan Johnson, victim of the Religion of Peace?
Charles is tracking a rumour that Alan Johnson, a BBC reporter who was kidnapped almost a month ago by the "peace-loving" "Palestinian" people, has been murdered. This is somewhat in line with the traffic I've been seeing from Google, by the way, as I've seen a large number of searches hit me for the keywords Alan Johnson BEHEADED in the past week.

This does put something of a kibosh on the previous theory that he had staged his own kidnapping, though I suppose it's still possible that he could have been double-crossed by his associates in such an endeavour.



#1 deano 17-Apr-2007
You really suggesting it's possible he staged his own kidnaping?

Are you implying this for a reason?
#2 Brian 17-Apr-2007
Nope, just passing on that it has been raised as a _possibility._

Of course, you probably live in a land of stark blacks and whites, so perhaps you can mystically tell us his fate. You do seem to know everything, after all.

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